Flight Electronics Test
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A brief update on the rocket engine test and tomorrow's upcoming flight electronics test.
On December 28th, 2018, Let's Build Rockets conducted cold and hot static engine tests.
Meet our Interns: Tim Scalzo - Documentation Site Development
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This is the last of several blog posts written by the high school interns that have been working with us this summer.

Hello! My name is Tim Scalzo and my project this summer was to help develop a website to host and share work done by the Let's Build Rockets team. The documentation website will make it possible for other people to access and learn from the work that we've been doing. This will be a dynamic website which is not something that I had a lot of experience in before I began work on the project. But as I worked over the summer I learned a lot about many different things.
CATO Rocket Launch
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You're invited to join Let's Build Rockets at CATO's August launch, CATO 248!
The event is at White's Field, Durham CT. Setup starts at 9AM, the rest of the event is 10am - 3pm.
LBR is planning on launching two model rockets. The larger one (orange) will be launched with a G-impulse motor and will carry the horizon tracker payload built by our intern, Pooja Swami. The smaller one (purple) will be launched with an E-impulse motor, just for fun :)
Meet our Interns: Pooja Swami - Horizon Tracker Payload
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This is one of several blog posts written by the high school interns that have been working with us this summer. Stay tuned for more!

Hi, my name is Pooja Swami and my project this summer was to build a horizon tracking system for the liquid fueled rocket project. The horizon tracking system finds the horizon using a camera and returns the angle and orientation at which the rocket is placed. We are planning on launching the system on a solid fueled model rocket at the CATO launch site in Durham, CT.
Meet our Interns: Anusha Patel - Learn to Solder Kits
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This is the first of several blog posts written by the high school interns that have been working with us this summer. Stay tuned for more!

Hi, my name is Anusha and I started working as an intern for Let’s Build Rockets about two weeks ago. We are designing a kit that will teach individuals how to solder using a robot-shaped pin and step-by-step instructions. I’ve been learning how to design PCBs using Eagle.